Mark Shimada

English Phrasal Verb Practice for “look up” and “look down”

Tom was a young man. He lived in a small town. He was always curious. He liked to learn new things. One day, he was reading a book. He found lots of new words in the book. So, he looked up each word [ él buscó cada palabra ] in a dictionary. He learned many new words like that. 

Tom had an older sister. Her name was Jane. Tom looked up to Jane [ Tom admiraba a Jane ]. She liked to explore new places. She told him about a tall tower in the city. You can see everything from the top of the building. 

Tom decided to visit the tower. When he got there he looked up at the building [ él miró hacia el edificio ]. It was very, very tall. He wanted to see everything in the city from the top. He went into the building. He found an elevator to the top. From the top, he looked down at the city [ él miró hacia la ciudad ]. The view was incredible. Cars were like tiny toys. People were like ants. He felt like he was a giant. 

After the tower, Tom went to the park. There, he saw some kids playing and laughing. A little girl was sitting alone. She was looking down [ Ella estaba mirando hacia abajo ] at the ground. She seemed sad. Tom went over to the child. He asked her to play with him. She looked up at him [ Ella lo miró a él ]. Her face lit up.  They played among the trees. Some clouds came. They looked up at the clouds [ Ellos miraron a las nubes ]. They decided to walk home. 

On the way home, they got hungry. They stopped at a fast-food restaurant to eat. The young girl wanted some fries. Tom didn’t want fries. He looked down at fried foods [ Él despreciaba los alimentos fritos ]. He thought they were unhealthy. Tom wanted a salad. The young girl looked up to Tom [ La joven admiraba a Tom ]. She changed her mind and had a salad, too. 

After a while, they left the restaurant. Fortunately, the weather was looking up [ el tiempo estaba mejorando ]. The clouds were gone. The sun was setting and the sky was beautiful. They both looked up at the colors [ Ambos miraron los colores ] in the sky. Finally, they got to their homes. Tom was happy. He made a new friend.

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